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Engage Digital Insert, Engage, 20 pin, Coax Ribbon

Universal Digital to DUT, 20 REVERSED pins for use with Open Engage Plate

Part Number: RIK0296A

In Stock: 0

Estimated Restocking Time: 12+ weeks (limited)

DO NOT use this for new Designs.

Suggested Replacement: RIK0344A

NOTE: Thread-locking fluid (RIK0204A) should be applied to screws.

For use with the RIK0304A Open Fixture Prober Engage Plate

Universal Digital TIM to DIB - Connects High Speed Digital via Coax Ribbon cable to the DUT.

This Insert CAN NOT be mounted, side-by-side, next to itself. The connection to the Digital cable connector is too wide to be mounted side-by-side. You CAN mount OTHER Inserts directly next to the Digital Insert, but just not another Digital insert.

IMPORANT: Pins reversed so that Pin 1 is rotated 180 degrees. This is due to the mounting plate oriented the opposite way, so the inserts are mounted with the connector oriented on the outside of the rail vs the inside.

Requires Digital Block:
Part #ApplicationsDescriptionOUT Type
Product Catalog
RIK0141ADigital TIM to Inserts (Up to QTY 4 RIK0137A) or Pogos (RIK0147A)Digital TIM Block 80 Pins with CablesDIGITAL
Product Catalog
RIK0142ADigital TIM to Inserts (Up to QTY 6 RIK0137A) or Pogos (RIK0147A)Digital TIM Block 120 Pins with CablesDIGITAL
Product Catalog
RIK0146ADigital TIM to Inserts (Up to QTY 2 RIK0137A) or Pogos (RIK0147A)Digital TIM Block 40 Pins with CablesDIGITAL

Related Documents:

Product Docs
Digital TIM or Fixture Digital Module Best Practices - How to Avoid Failure Interfacing Due To Wiring Ringing Effects

Database 'Product Docs', View 'All Documents', Document 'Test Fixture Design - Matrix Fixture Dut Interface Board (DIB) Layout' Test Fixture Design Matrix Fixture Dut Interface Board Layout

IMPORTANT: Rotated 180 degress! Pins reversed so that Pin 1 is rotated 180 degrees. This is due to the mounting plate oriented the opposite way, so the inserts are mounted with the connector oriented on the outside of the rail vs the inside.

First pin pictured above is Pin 4(S101_19)


First pin pictured above is Pin 4(S101_19)

Item Ref Part Number QTY Description Category Qty in Stock
1ARV4FT5A1RIK0137A Package Back PDF (Sheet of 4)*Dcmnt
2M673SZ1A1SCREW, FLAT PHIL, 4-40 X 1/4", SS, BLK OX, W/NYLOCKHrdwr
3MNHA471A1RIK0137A Pinout Instructions for UseDcmnt
4MRU4K51A1Clam Shell Packaging Inside Cavity 3.124W"X2.5H"X 1.25DSppls
5MRURC91A1Packaging Foam, 1" Anti-Static for Clamshell Packaging, GR 5GCW5Sppls
6MSYA061A1Packaging, #0 CapsuleSppls
7Y0006HA11Digital Pogo Bd*PcbAssy
BOM Refreshed:05/11/2020 06:26 PM