To test the Universal Fixture DC resources, perform the following steps.
- Attach the Fixture to be tested to the test head.
- Select and activate a CalKit. This can be found by selecting from the programmer window "Test" then "Instruments".
- After doing a start up on the tester, activate the fixture named "Universal RF Check" found in "R:\Fixture\Universal Fixture\". Make sure you have performed a "Get Serial Number" on the fixture.
- Find and compile the test plan called "Universal Fix DC Check" found at "R:\MiscTests\Universal Fix Check\".
- Select the limits called "SystemExercise". Also open up the Work Sheet Details window.
- Attach the harness and test board (PN MC54881A) to the two 50 pin d-subs on top of the Universal Fixture to be tested. Make sure the board does not short to ground.
- Run the test plan and read the test results from the programmer message window.
To test the RF resources of the Universal Fixture, perform the following steps. This test is to be performed prior to calibration.
- Attach the Fixture to be tested to the test head.
- After doing a start up on the tester, activate the fixture named "Universal RF Check" found in "R:\Fixture\Universal Fixture\".
- Find and compile the test plan called "Universal Fix RF Check" found at "R:\MiscTests\Universal Fix Check\".
- Select the limits called "Universal RF". Also open up the Work Sheet Details window.
- Run the test plan and follow the operator prompts. The results can be read from the programmer message window.
- Once the above tests are complete copy the fixture to another using the fixtures assembly serial number in the name.
- Perform a system startup, highlight the new fixture, and perform a "Get Serial Number".
- Save the fixture.