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Document Purpose:
To provide the test engineer a guide in Assembling a Hardware Fixture to be used on the RI 7100A tester.

What does the Hardware Fixture do?
The hardware fixture provides a Resource Interface between the tester's Test Head and the DUT Interface Board.

Major Steps:
1. Fixture Bottom Assembly
2. Top Plate Assembly
3. RF Cable Installation
4. Finishing the Assembly
Mechanical drawing of Fixture

A) Fixture Bottom Assembly:
1. Install the two fixture sides as shown in Figure 1. Notice the locking cam notch orientation.
2. Install the two 40 conductor ribbon cables and the 10 conductor power VI cable as shown in Figure 2.

< Major Steps >

Figure 1
Fixture Side Installation

Fixture Bottom Assembly (continued)

3. Place Bottom Plate and sides as shown with Ribbon Cables layed out to the side. The VI harness is used for fixture carrier type Y0002AC1. VIs are direct connect using jumper wires for all other carrier types.

Figure 2
Fixture Side Installation

B) Top Plate Assembly:
  1. Install the required pogo pins for the application using the alignment tool provided in the RiK0030A kit (Fig 3). The pogo pin inserts need to be pressed into the pogo housings prior to this step.
  2. After pogo pin installation, attach the carrier board to the Aluminum top plate, RiK0012A, with the lettering visible ( See Figure 4 ). Make sure that any DUT alignment pins and docking alignment pins have been installed into the top plate.
  3. Install SMA to MCX adapters needed, as determined by the fixture schematic for the application. These should not be torqued greater than 15 inch pounds. See Figure 5.
  4. As determined by the application's fixture schematic, jumper the designated tester resources to the specific pogo pins on the carrier. See Figure 5. Make sure the VI RTNS and VRTNS are connected to ground. Also make sure that GREF is attached to GND.
    < Major Steps >

    Figure 3
    Pogo Pin Installation

    Top Plate Assembly (continued)

    Figure 4
    Carrier Installation
      Top Plate Assembly (continued)

      DC Wire Installation and RF SMA to MCX adapters
      Figure 5
      RF Adaptors and DC Harness Installation

        C) RF Cable Installation:
          1. Choose the required RF cables for the application. For most applications this will be a SSIS to MCX (RiK0001A) coaxial cable. Specialty cable assemblies are available from ROOS but are not listed in the Standard Fixture Kits List shown above. On the bottom plate assembly, place the cabled end into the RF port assigned according to the fixture schematic. See Figure 6 for washer orientation. Attach the other side of the connector by threading it back on from the opposite side of the fixture plate. Tighten the connection using two 7/32 open end wrenches. Be careful not to over torque the connection ( Figure 7 ). Suggested torque is not to exceed 15 inch pounds.
          2. The Waveform Cables (RiK0002A) are installed by pushing in the DINF connector from the top side of the Bottom Plate Assembly into the required WF port location ( Figure 8 ).

          Warning: Once the RF (SSIS to MCX) cables are installed allow them to launch from the pogo circuit board for 1 inch before bending. Bending them at the SSIS connector directly can result in connector damage both on the fixture and on the test head.
          < Major Steps >
        Figure 6
        Washer Orientation

        Figure 7
        RF Cable Installation
          < RF Cable Installation >
            Warning: Once the RF (SSIS to MCX) cables are installed allow them to launch from the pogo circuit board for 1 inch before bending. Bending them at the SSIS connector directly can result in connector damage both on the fixture and on the test head.

        Figure 8
        WF Cable Installation
          < RF Cable Installation >

            D) Finishing the Assembly:
              1. Attach the top plate assembly to the bottom plate assembly as shown in Figure 9. This is not the final configuration but will assist access during the debuging process.
              2. Attach the RF cables and the WF cables to their designated RF connections on the top plate. These locations are determined by the fixture schematic for the specific application. See Figure 9. Also attach the Power VI harness and the 40 conductor ribbon cables.

              < Major Steps >

          Figure 9
          Finished Fixture Assembly
          < Finishing the Assembly >

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